Monday, November 24, 2014

Give Him Thanks

The LORD is good and His mercies endureth forever.
Celebrate His goodness in grand style this week.
#POWERPOiNT International with #BishopHenryADEKOGBE, #POWERPOiNTForToday

Thursday, November 20, 2014



#iProphesy:- It is the Season of His Power...

#iPray: Everything and anything that may want to pull you backwards and hinder you from making progress shall be permanently destroyed and cast out of your life. Any power that may want to stop you from entering into your new season of advancement and great accomplishments shall be uprooted and cast out. Advance today and make progress.

#iDeclare: You will enter into your promised land, you will possess your possessions, you will claim your inheritances.

So shall it be in the mighty name of our LORD & Savior, Jesus Christ. #Amen.

#BishopHenryADEKOGBE, #POWERPOiNT #Prayers

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Healing Revival

The God of Heaven shall visit His people with the #Healing #Streams!
There shall be healing. There shall be revival.

Beloved, go to the streets and the byways, invite all your friends, colleagues, neighbors, family and loved ones, bring them to the healing streams. The Great Physician and the Mighty Healer shall touch and heal His people.

Don't miss it!

Monday, November 10, 2014

Time Waits For No Man

#POWERPOiNTForToday! with #BishopHenryADEKOGBE

#iPROPHESY: Time Waits For No Man

My dear friend, time waits for no man. According to the preacher "To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven: A time to be born, and a time to die;..."

What are you doing with your time while you wait for your appointed date with death? "It is appointed unto man once to die, after death it is judgment." Will you say you are spending quality time with the Lord? Are you using your God-given time to serve the God that gave it to you? What will the people say of your time here on earth after you have gone?

Dr. Myles Monroe has run his race and finished his course. He is now in Abraham's blossom. He died while serving the Lord, doing the work of the Father, building the Kingdom of God here on earth. What about you? What about me? How are we running our race? How do we intend to finish our course?

Consider Your Ways:
You and I have another opportunity for a second chance at making things right with God. Don't miss this opportunity.

May the good Lord comfort Dr. Myles Monroe's son, family, church & ministry and the entire body of Christ at this very time of loss and grief.

Please Call toll-free 1(877)855-4883 for more information.

MARK YOUR CALENDAR! March 20-22, 2015
#Atlanta2015PowerConference @
Make arrangements to attend today!

#CONNECT on the POWERLiNE Prophetic #Prayer Line, Mondays to Fridays @ 6am, 9am & 7pm (est), CALL 1(857)232-0155 or 1(218)339-8425 Enter Access Code 805406#

LISTEN Live (and 24/7) on the #POWERPOiNT #Radio i56.7FM, The #1 Inspirational #Gospel #Broadcast Internet Station on your Computers, #Smartphones & #Tablets anytime @ broadcasting powerful Word, inspirational Worship & Warfare prayers (www).

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

God never forgets ....

#POWERPOiNTForToday! with #BishopHenryADEKOGBE

#iPROPHESY: God never forgets His own

God is not man that He should lie, nor is He the son of man that He should deny His word. What God have said concerning you, what God have promised concerning you, He will surely bring to come to pass. God will never forget, He will never be late, He will make all things beautiful in His own good time in your life. He will surely come through for you in all situations. He will show His kindness, mercy and favor

Remember, you can never be wrong with God if you trust in Him, give heed to His Word, walk in His ways and obey Him. You will eat the good of the land. So shall it be in Jesus mighty name. #Amen

Numbers 23:19-23 (KJV) “God is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent: hath he said, and shall he not do it? or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good?"

Please Call toll-free 1(877)855-4883 for more information.

MARK YOUR CALENDAR! March 20-22, 2015
#Atlanta2015PowerConference @
Make arrangements to attend today!

#CONNECT on the POWERLiNE Prophetic #Prayer Line, Mondays to Fridays @ 6am, 9am & 7pm (est), CALL 1(857)232-0155 or 1(218)339-8425 Enter Access Code 805406#

LISTEN Live (and 24/7) on the #POWERPOiNT #Radio i56.7FM, The #1 Inspirational #Gospel #Broadcast Internet Station on your Computers, #Smartphones & #Tablets anytime @ broadcasting powerful Word, inspirational Worship & Warfare prayers (www).